Mount Rainier 2008

3 Days of Hiking in MRNP
Bear Grass - xerophyllum tenax Forrest Through the Trees Rosy Spirea - spiraea splendens Young Marmot Young buck Crurious young marmot
Columbia Lily - lilium columbianum Amother Columbia Lily False Bugbane - trautvetteria caroliniensis Mt. Rainier Poopin' Deer Queen Cup - clintonia uniflora Avalanche Lily - erythronium montanum
Western Pasque Flower Seed Head Avalanche Lily Cluster Adult marmot eating flowers Magenta Paintbrush - castilleja parviflora Car Camping Selfies Nisqually Glacier
Magenta Paintbrush First Ones at the Trailhead 320-ft Comet Falls Yvonne give Comet Falls scale... Yvonne vs. the camp robber bird Mt. Rainier's First Appearance
Alpine Meadow Color Mt. Rainier - 14410-ft Fir and Ice Moonrise over Mt. Adams - Yvonne Fields of Lupines Mt. Rainier Lousewort - pedicularis rainierensis
Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens from Pebble Creek Trail Lots 'o Lupine More Ice and Flowers Yvonne Ascends Muir Snowfield, 7000-ft Guided Climbing Groups - voluntary torture Lunch Spot at 8100-ft
Clouds moving over Nisqually Glacier... Mt. Rainier - morning Mount Rainier with meadows in bloom